Always a thrill photographing bubbas fresh out of their mama's womb - especially if I photographed them whilst in that very womb! Meet Sir Bohannon. Cutest little thing ever, was the perfect baby. First born to some great friends of mine, it was such a pleasure photographing these guys and their newest addition. Such a cutie!!
Absolutely loved photographing this bump! I went to high school with this beautiful soul and watched her share the love on my images so many times, so was escatic when she asked me to photograph her journey to impending motherhood! Cass is such a beautiful soul - inside and out and I already know she is one amazing mumma!
LITTLE MISS MIRACULOUS – Meet Emily Rose, the miracle baby that was prayed for
🙏 Before this little princess fought to make her mark in the world, Lauren had endured a heart-wrenching miscarriage which took two long years of fertility treatment to conceive. However, five months later, she was pregnant again but this time with double the blessing in identical twins!

Sadly, they ended up losing one of the twins at 15 weeks.
Concerns then arose over Emily’s well-being, due to having shared a placenta with her identical twin. When one twin dies, all the blood flow is diverted to that twin in an effort to save it, therefore, depriving the other baby.

As well as this concern, at 24 weeks along, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH), was found on an ultrasound. CDH is a birth defect of the diaphragm and is both life-threatening and a major cause of death in infants. Survival chances are low and after birth, the baby will usually be immediately placed on a ventilator.
However, on the morning of the 3rd of January, 2018 in a labour that went from **3cm to being born in 21 minutes**

from start to finish, with no time for pain relief, little Emily Rose Service entered the world! She had no complications post-birth and no surgery was required as the hernia had shown to have closed all on its own!

“Post birth, the x-ray showed that although there was some evidence of weakness remaining in her diaphragm, the hernia appeared to have healed itself! It really is a miracle to us that this could happen, but here she is” – Lauren (Emily’s mama).
Emily is a little miracle baby and today she is 3 months young, happy and healthy and busy being doted on by her big brother Asher + furbabies 

For more information on Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, please see the following links: